Use "remained as they were|remain as they be" in a sentence

1. But they remained joyously devoted for as long as they both lived.

2. "Bowdlerized," but they still remained as excruciatingly funny as only French pieces can be

3. They were to be treated as exclusion clauses.

4. In the first method children were brought to Therapeutic Feeding Centers where they remained as in-patients.

5. He appeared to be Countermanding orders as fast as they were given.

6. They are not dangerous as long as they remain aloft. Funnel clouds indicate that conditions may lead to tornadoes.

7. They can be as educational as they are fascinating, entertaining as they are eye-opening.

8. The Void Chelicerates will pursue the player for as long as they remain in …

9. (Malachi 2:7) So Jehovah prospered the restored remnant —as long as they remained faithful.

10. As long as they remained obedient to God, an eternal, happy future lay before them.

11. They were to be used as an underground rail system.

12. They were censured as traitors.

13. Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.

14. + 28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot:+ they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.

15. They were as unreliable as a loose bow.

16. However, as they were still discussing, they were rescued by their troops.

17. Any bones that remained were scattered in the ocean, so they could not be venerated.

18. She made believe that they were as happy together as they should be, and was careful to weep only in secret.

19. They are no longer anything like as fey and reserved as they once were.

20. They were portrayed as Contemptible cowards

21. As they were crawling southward they spotted a small freighter.

22. They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.

23. They were all dressed as clowns.

24. They were filled with Apprehension as they approached the bu

25. They were filled with apprehension as they approached the building.

26. " And they were as grasshoppers in their eyes, " they said.

27. They were hacked to death as they tried to escape.

28. When they Blipped back, they returned as the same age they were when they disintegrated

29. Atheists are not as uncommon as they once were

30. ‘They were all shown to be useful as matter-wave beam splitters.

31. As they were all school teachers, they began to talk shop.

32. They were caught on camera as they brutally attacked a man.

33. And if Yeoman and Leckie were to talk, they could be catalysts as well as targets.

34. They were sentimental as could be, and the rhymes were strained, and the diction archaic.

35. The nomads were not converted overnight: they remained combative and unpredictable.

36. They can be as fierce as any dragon.

37. They were as naked as the woman( ), and unarmed.

38. Codicils aren't used as often today as they once were.

39. They were debunked as a suburban myth.

40. 9 As a group they were anemic.

41. But they were as man and wife.

42. They were all out, as it happened.

43. As such, they were regulated by statute.

44. I can't leave things as they were.

45. The warrior monks, they were known as.

46. 2 They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.

47. Young leaves and fruits produce Auxin and so long as they do so, they remain attached to the stem

48. All these late nights with Omar were as exhilarating as they were tiring.

49. Until they can be proved, Allegations remain merely assertions

50. All Abbreviations in names should be Alphabetized as though they were spelled out.

51. They advanced distrustfully , and as if they wished the distance were longer.

52. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.

53. After all of the bridges over the Maas River were destroyed, the only task that remained was to hold off the Germans as long as they could.

54. 19 They looked as if they were heading for the train station.

55. Her sons, one of whom had asthma, were no longer as sick as they used to be.

56. They should be able to comport themselves as they want.

57. As “examples to the flock,” they remain ready to work alongside you with joy.

58. The seeds of friendship were sown early, and they remained lifelong companions.

59. When they had to make a decision as final as firing some one, they were understandably unnerved.

60. Skirting boards bloomed with sockets as deadly as they were dated.

61. They're not as witty as they used to be.

62. 17 They were branded as liars and cheats.

63. Collectively they were known as the European Communities.

64. Before, they were running around mad as lorries.

65. I think they did it glumly, without hope: as if they knew they were dead men.

66. They were using it as a dead drop.

67. 7 As a consequence, they were sent home.

68. They were as one man against the decision.

69. They were all in high spirits, as they talked about the new scripts.

70. Squeezed like despondent sardines, they looked as if they were huddling for warmth.

71. If conditions or consents remain, completion will generally occur as soon as practicable after they are satisfied or waived.

72. 27 And inasmuch as they sinned they might be achastened, that they might brepent;

73. 20 They were as welcoming as ever; a little surprised because they had thought I had forsaken them.

74. The audience was happy, they accepted my portrayal and they were moved to tears as well as laughter.

75. They remained stolid and motionless.

76. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” 9

77. Cynic: blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.

78. The Bronzes were feted as masterpieces but they were presented as the work of inferiors

79. These Polish Christians were as wholehearted about preaching as they were hardworking in the mines!

80. First they bomb as much as they please, then they film